Production | Distribution | Sales | Consultancy | Creative Development | Finance

Founded in 2017, Krafty Entertainment boasts a top-tier team of industry talent that combines creative brilliance with strong business expertise.
Our approach is to find stories which can inspire, empower, educate, and entertain and we also have a track record for highlighting the achievements of the underdog; stories which highlight triumph over adversity and social issues. The company has expanded to include scripted entertainment as part of its line-up with a first feature film slated for 2025.

We work with rights holders to maximise their revenue streams by through digital distrbution across a variety of platforms. We also work with broadcasters and distributors around the world and work with our clients in all areas of the business from content acquistion to commissions and negotiating pre-sales deals.
We are always seeking to collaborate on projects in the development phase, either as co-producers or executive producers. As well as having access to some fantastic talent, we can also assist in securing production funding through various methods, including pre-sales and arranging cash flow from tax credits.